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NeoGraft Hair Transplant (3 Reviews)
Worth It Rating: 100%

- Loved It!: 33%
- Liked It: 67%
- Not Sure: 0%
- Don't Bother: 0%
3 Customers Reviewed NeoGraft Hair Transplant
Displaying reviews 1 - 3

By T.M.
Comments about NeoGraft Hair Transplant:
My hair looks really good and I would definitely do it again, but there are some small areas that do look a little faked/unnatural. Objectively you could spot them...READ MORE

By F.M.
Comments about NeoGraft Hair Transplant:
I have had previous procedures with other physicians using FUE strip method which were very traumatic. A lot of pain during recovery period. Then I had the Neograft procedure with...READ MORE

By P.C.
Comments about NeoGraft Hair Transplant:
I am very pleased with the results and the staff at Bauman Medical. ...READ MORE
Recent Q&A about this Treatment
How does a machine do a hair transplant as well as a person?
Just as hair transplant surgeons undergo extensive training, automated hair transplant machines (NeoGraft, ARTAS) have been rigorously tested to ensure outstanding results. Once the donor hair follicles have been located, the machine uses a "no-touch" method to remove the hair follicles. By applying the exact amount of pneumatic pressure needed, the machine cuts down on the margin for human error. The follicles do not have to be double-checked, thus leaving them in a more secure state. Marisa Amorasak, Community Manager, Hair Loss Specialists |
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is considered one of the best techniques for effective hair transplantation. Performing this procedure manually is often tedious, time consuming and expensive, but with the new NeoGraft Hair Transplant machine, hair loss patients can take advantage of follicular unit transplantation benefits without long costly surgical sessions.... Read More