Mustache Hair Transplant | Upper Lip & Facial Hair Transplant Reviews
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Mustache Hair Transplant

The absence of upper-lip hair can stem from a variety of health issues, including genetics, burns, prior electrolysis, laser hair removal, surgery scars and other types of accidents. With the success of new technologies in the field of traditional hair transplant surgery, mustache implants via follicular unit extraction (FUE) are gaining popularity.... Read More

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Mustache Hair Transplant Information:

The absence of upper-lip hair can stem from a variety of health issues, including genetics, burns, prior electrolysis, laser hair removal, surgery scars and other types of accidents. With the success of new technologies in the field of traditional hair transplant surgery, mustache implants via follicular unit extraction (FUE) are gaining popularity.

This procedure involves transplanting hairs, primarily from the head, to the upper lip to grow a thick and even mustache. These implants are consistent with FUE procedures like the NeoGraft and AccuGraft treatments. Micrografts and individual follicle transplantation help form a natural looking mustache with minimal downtime and post-procedure care.

Donor hairs from the sides and back of the head are implanted on the upper lip to grow a thick and even mustache. The number of grafts used in facial transplants range from hundreds to several thousands, depending on the patients’ personal needs. Mustache implants require about 350 to 500 grafts, while a full beard implant requires as much as 700 grafts per side. This painless procedure is performed under local anesthesia with a supplemental oral sedative. Full results grow in completely after six months.

Related Services or Products:

AccuGraft Hair Transplant
The automated AccuGraft uses air pressure to remove and implant individual hair follicles safely and painlessly. A trained hair loss specialist then uses a dexterous and precise hand tool to reintroduce the follicles into the patient’s bald or balding areas of the scalp. AccuGraft yields up to 2,000 follicles per session while minimizing pain and bleeding, eliminating the risk of nerve damage and reducing scarring.

FUE Hair Transplant
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) occurs when individual hair grafts are removed directly from the donor, using a one millimeter punch and forceps, without removing a linear strip. Patients who undergo FUE do not experience any scalp tightness and have the benefit of returning to their normal physical activities immediately following surgery.

Hair Transplant Surgery
A simple matter of hair distribution, hair transplant surgery begins with extracting donor hair, located at the sides and back of the patient’s head. A trained hair loss specialist will keep scarring to a minimum and undetectable while maximizing hair growth, ensuring naturalness and minimizing trauma to the scalp.

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