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Laser Helmet

Taking hair restoration out of the clinic and into the comfort of your own home, laser helmet therapy is an ideal option for patients who have grown tired of prescription hair loss drugs or don’t have the means to undergo hair transplant surgery.... Read More

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Laser Helmet Review Page

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This page contains information specific to laser helmets as well as verified reviews from customers who have used a laser helmet. See comments, price information, and ratings from real people seeing real results! Below is a diagram of the information you can find off of a review:

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Laser Helmet Information:

At-home, laser helmet technology is designed to operate throughout all levels of hair loss. The final result is restored, thick, manageable hair. Over the course of treatment, users can experience renewed hair strength and stimulated hair growth as the clinical-strength lasers advance blood flow throughout the scalp and follicles, fuel cellular metabolism and protein synthesis, and generate microcirculation.

Laser helmet technology rids patients of medication and helps stave off hair transplant surgery. It provides the perfect environment for your entire scalp to flourish, thus ensuring an extremely high success rate with proper use.

The Theradome brand laser helmet is the world’s first and only FDA-approved wearable, laser health and restoration device. Some laser helmet therapies may use LED light to stimulate hair growth, but the Theradome uses 80 diode lasers at optimal wavelengths to fortify your hair follicles. While LED light therapies only reach a few millimeters under the scalp, the Theradome’s diode lasers cover the entire follicle and directly impact blood-flow beneath.

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Laser Hair Therapy
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Effective on men and women, this over-the-counter hair loss treatment works by revitalizing shrunken hair follicles. The topical liquid solution, which contains active ingredient Minoxidil, is spread over the balding area twice daily and must dry in order to remain effective. Rogaine both slows hair loss and promote partial regrowth in some patients by increasing blood flow to the areas surrounding bald spots.

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